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And All of a Sudden, It was 2022!

Yikes... 2022 is now upon us. Anyone else blink some time around August and then suddenly it was the new year? Bits of last year were definitely hard- the lockdown at the start of 2021 seemed to go on forever and I really missed my vintage events over the summer.

It was a good year for Pin Up and Pearl though and I hit some great milestones- in June I had my 1000 sale, which was fantastic. Christmas and Halloween were crazy busy and that was as fun as it was manic. I loved getting the chance to do my pin up Profiles and speaking to so many wonderful people from the vintage and pin up community over the year. Also, after a break of nearly two years, I was finally able to attend an event in December, when I took part in the first ever Festival of York Presents- A Vintage Christmas. The event was amazing and such a great way to end the year.

At Festival of York Present a Vintage Christmas

I am so excited for Pin Up and Pearl in 2022. My little one is now in nursery for 3 days a week, which means the business is now my 'proper job', at least on a part time basis. I have lots of plans moving forward and can't wait to have more time to work on it all. I am hopeful for events being able to take part again this year and am already booked in to do Festival of York again at the end of April. Woohoo!

I also can't wait to carry on with my pin up journey this year. I have a few different hairstyles and make up techniques that I'm determined to crack before the end of the year (cat eyeliner, I'm looking at you), and I'll be sharing the best tutorials and hints and tips that I find throughout the year, coming at it from the point of view of a novice (with very little hand-eye co-ordination, if that makes any difference).

You'll see more of this face. But with better eyeliner 🤞

What are you most excited for in 2022? And are there any particular styles you'd like to learn? Comment and let me know. Happy 2022!

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